Launched on 8th January 2025, the second cycle of the अrban Learnathon seeks entries from state/city officials,academic institutions and industry partners

Participating States
Urban Local Bodies
NULP Community Members
Learn from well curated courses and content
Co-learn with peers from other cities and domain experts
Local Urban Solutions
National Certification Programs
Learning Journey
Knowledge Partners
The workshop organized was informative and comprehensive. This is a new platform to share ideas with others, and learn from others’ ideas and apply them in our ULB. Any ideas shared may prove to be beneficial to us as well. And we can definitely take advantage of this platform and implement some good work for our ULB.
To find solutions to our cities’ challenges, we usually tend to use platforms such as YouTube. But what makes NULP the best platform to find solutions is that it has expert options available for diverse domains.
NULP is so vast as people from so many places are associated with it. It showcases the best practices prevalent in other cities and states. Every town in India faces basic urban problems and challenges. NULP helps us understand how the ULBs of other cities are successfully tackling those problems.
NULP will help immensely in resolving the challenges that ULBs face in their everyday functioning. It also provides a great opportunity for ULBs to interact with each other. Through this platform, we will be able to learn from each other and also find solutions for our city’s challenges.